The atmosphere of a hotel room should be pleasant and inviting, and the lighting in the room is one of the most important tools to have this atmosphere. It is important to consider lighting as part of the interior decoration of the hotel. It is not enough just to have an interior with a beautiful appearance, because if the lighting is not right choice, even a professional interior decoration will not be able to make guests feel comfortable.

The color and amount of light has a huge impact on people’s moods.

The color temperatures of the light sources that you may find from the market can vary between 2700K and 6500K. While 2700K light color provides rest and peace effect in people, 6500K light color puts people in a more energetic mood.

Since the lighting used in the hotel room serves different purposes, the color temperatures to be used in hotel rooms may be different. You can find the recommended light colors for lighting types below.

General lighting of the hotel room

The recommended color temperature is 2700K – 3500K. This Kelvin range is best for bedrooms because of its warm white light. It is relaxing, inviting and allows for relaxation.

Bedside lights

Whether the lighting that you use at the bedside is wall sconces or table lighting, you should prefer 2700K-3000K light color due to its relaxing effects which may make you sleepy easily.

Reading sconces

On the spiral reading lamps, 3500K-4000K light color can be preferred because it has an effect that does not make you sleepy or does not make you awake.

Bathroom lights

To create an eye-pleasing atmosphere in your bathroom, you can use 3000-3500K if your bathroom is in white tones and 4000K if your bathroom is in slightly darker tones.

Office Desk lighting

Choose the color temperature between 4000K-5000K for the lighting on the desk.

Corner lights (floor lamps)

The light color you choose for the floor lamps in the hotel room should match the color of the general lighting of the room. If there is no general lighting in the room, a light color temperature between 2700K-3500K may be preferred due to its relaxing effect.